I have been a Christian author and publisher for the last 6 years – but I have been “writing” for over 20! Writing is something that you can’t help. Writing is a passion. Something that drives you within! Is that you? Why yes, of course it is. But you just have to believe it!
I used to think that writing was just an outlet. Just something to pass the time. Nothing serious – just thoughts. But as I began to grow up and learn more about the Lord, I realized that it was a gift. And this gift was meant to be shared.
Like most Christian writers, you may believe that no one wants to read what you have to say. You may believe that your writing is too preachy or un-motivational or boring – but God’s word is alive and well! And it lives inside of you.
As a Christian writer,
- You must write because the world needs it.
- You must write because Satan is a liar and you need to tell God’s truth.
- You must write to tell God’s story.
- You must write to heal yourself and others.
- You must write to bring unsaved souls to Christ.
If you didn’t know by now, your gift of writing is truly a gift. And God gives each one of us at least one! You may have been blessed to sing, dance, speak, minister, etc. as well – and God may touch you with these additional gifts – but writing is an art form in itself! I thank God that He gave me this gift. And so should you.
So, Christian writer – what are you waiting for? Stop allowing Satan to convince you that no one wants to hear or read what you have to say. Stop allowing fear and self-doubt to stop you. And stop allowing others to discourage you. You’ve got all the skills that it takes to become successful – but first you have to believe and have faith – knowing that God doesn’t make mistakes!
So why not put pen to paper right now? Let’s share God’s word of salvation today!
QUESTION: What’s stopping you from tapping into your gift of writing? Fear? Insecurity? Faith? Tell us how we can help.
* Image credit: jon davis (Creation Swap)
[stextbox id=”custom”]This is a guest post by Wanda Ball. Wanda is a publisher, author, wife, mother of one son, youth Sunday school teacher and public youth speaker of “1 Minute With Wanda”. She’s been writing about God and spirituality for over 20+ years and has researched the bible and its history. Wanda has also been featured on countless Radio and Internet News programs. She believes and teaches that regardless of a person’s background or their mistakes of the past, God has a place for them in His heart. You can find find her at Ball Publications, Facebook, and Twitter.[/stextbox]
Good article, Wanda. Fear is often irrational and stops us from pursuing what is necessary, and what God would have us accomplish. This is true of many things in life, including our writing. Thanks!
Thanks Charles. Fear is Satan’s greatest tools that we have to overcome!
I definitely let fear and doubt stop me from writing. Thank you for your encouraging post.
Your welcome Pilar! Your not alone.. I have to encourage myself on a daily basis
Wanda. I agree, God does NOT make mistakes AND writing is an art. I have become a writer, because I was called. I have just recently discovered this gift and am working on embracing it, calling myself a “writer” has been a journey. I’m growing my my gift and am loving it. Thank YOU for the encouragement. =)
Keeping it Personal,
Teri Johnson
That’s great to hear Teri! Even though I too am a Christian writer, I find it hard to call myself a “writer” as well… lol! I’m grateful that I was able to encourage you. Be blessed, Wanda
Thanks Wanda. What a great article. Very simplistic yet impactful. I have been writing for years but to myself because nothing has be officially published. I know fear has been a major factor but also, how or where to beging to get out there. Thanks again. Good job!
Frances Butler
Hi Frances! I’m really glad that my article gave you the impact that you needed. We all have fear of some sort, but just believing in your gift should allow you to share what God puts in your heart… be blessed, Wanda
hello, my name is Vivian, i am a Nigerian. I am a very good creative writer, but i have never written any godly books that motivates people, maybe because i don’t know how to start, or probably told myself it wouldn’t change a thing. for over 6 to 8 years now i have been writing scripts for the nigerian movie industry(nollywood), and still none has been sold yet nor read by anyone.
within me i know i am suppose to be a christian writer, the thing is, i do not know how and where to begin from. i keep telling myself sometimes that it may never been seen or read by anyone. especially when i put up my laptop just to write down something, i end up closing it back. and it has really affected me badly that till now,i still do not know how to begin writing.and not only that. becoming a motivational speaker i think and feel is another of my gift given to me by God. and same thing applies in this too.
I am beginning to get frustrated that i do not know where to begin. and another vital thing that stops me also from showcasing all these is just one question. “how and where do i post or publish my work when am done?”
please i sure do need a reply. here is my email: chukwuchichi26@gmail.com for direct contact. i would really appreciate anyone that helps me out here. cos i am going insane here. and won’t stop until i get a help please. Thank you and God bless us all. Amen.